April 2010 Sail
By Steven Stein
In April 2010 The Villages Sailing club had its most successful and attended monthly sail and picnic at Lake Miona Park. It was fitting as it was the last sail before the summer. We had (I believe) nine different sailing vessels!! We were also celebrating the launch of a new boat in the club, a Com-Pac 16 named The Princess of Tides. Many names of those who attended are lost to history (and my aging memory), but some faces will be familiar. There are a few photos of the then Commodore and founder of our club, Rich Mosher, and his dog; past members Art Iannacci (I now own his Com-Pac 16) and Larry Chizak with his boat Timyreb II; and current members Gail and Ed Parker and Larry Chabin. Also, there are a few photos of my first Com-Pac 16, the Joisy Buoy.
See the photos here: April 2010