Wednesday March 26 - Thursday March 27

Status    as of March 6

  TLS Thur Long Sail   11a-5p.   

  TSS Thur Short Sail  1-5p  

We are in St Augustine Wednesday March 26 and Thursday March 27.  This is a River/Ocean sail.  All are 'Skippered' sails.

Whether a 2-day Excursion  or  a Day Trip, use the same Sign-Up form. 

Boats will be assigned for those with similar preferences.


Sign-Up Preferences


-Transportation  to/from The Villages

-Wednesday Night Lodging

-Wednesday Night Dinner Reservations

( If you are a couple or a group that want to sail together, be sure to submit only one form.)

2-day Excursion?  Browse the suggested itineraries.  Budgets were prep'd for overnight and twosomes.  Basically two tracks:   Marina (TDS, TLS)  and OldTown (TSS)


Day Trip?  Just use this Sign-up form to get your name on the list and if Ride-Sharing, indicate  the number seats offered or requested 

Charter boats will be filled from those on the Sign-up Roster (the running list of those that have signed-up).  

      IF flexible, list your 1st 2nd 3rd choice  separated by spaces

      IF multiple sails, separate with +(plus sign)  

Sign-Up Form

Sign-up Roster:

 The Roster lists those that have signed up .  Scroll the detail  Left and Right .   ( Refresh your screen if you do not see your signup after you submit.)


The Budgets were prepared to 'guesstimate' the cost of a couple staying overnight Wednesday.  Individual costs are listed above in the Preference Codes list.

$366pp     TLS  Long Sail*  6hr     ($312s +$54v)

$226pp    TSS /WSS Short Sail   4hr

     rates as of 3/3/25

*budget includes Van RT transportation from Lake Sumter  Landing 

Group rates have been applied to cost of sails and vans

No group rates for lodging this trip.


 This section SUGGESTS possible senarios for the individual chartered options

TLS - Thursday Long Sail    11am - 5pm

'St Augusinte Sailing' 

     Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor

3076 Harbor Drive, St. Augustine FL


    Sailboat:  38' Jeanneau.    6-8 persons


9a depart Lake Sumter Landing 

    loading 8:30a 

parking lot behind Enterprise Rental

11:30a lunch (open choice)

  Prohibition Kitchen



12-6p  Explore St Augustine  

     Old Town Trolley Hop-on Hop-off 


explore coast line /beaches over bridge

4pm  (maybe noon) condo check-in 

    Inn at Camachee Harbor

201 Yacht Club Dr, St Augustine FL

6p   Dinner Reservations.    O.C. White's

          (a maybe for Thur nite instead)

8p  Publix shopping (closes at 9p)

     for next day on-board lunch


9a breakfast  Odd Birds Cafe

10:40a. Check-in with harbor master 

at Camachee Cove Marina


11a. Launch  

5p   Return to dock

Van departs for. dinner and home

Jeanneau 380

TSS -  Thursday Short Sail    1pm-5pm

'St Augusinte Sailing' 

   Camachee Cove Yacht Harbor

     3076 Harbor Drive, St. Augustine FL

Sailboat:  35' Jeanneau    (6 person)


Check-In with Harbor Master  (ken)

  St. Augustine Sailing office. by 12:20pm


Launch TSS Thurs Short Sail


Return to dock

6p Dinner at O.C White’s

(( a maybe for thursday)

   menu:   O.C.White's   

Jeanneau 350

Excursion details ....

     Sail , Lodging, Van

    Wednesday Dinner

    Trolley, Etc...

Charter company is

"St. Augustine Sailing"


Camachee Cove Marina

Distance Old Town to Marina

15min between Beaches Vilano and O.C. Whites.  The 'elbow is Tolley main station (free parking with tickets). 

On Sail Days, reserve 45min from Old Town to Camachee Cove Marina. (park-dock-on boat)

Boat will Launch ON TIME

St. Augustine out to Camachee Cove

Sunrise.  7:21a

Sunset.    7:42p

High Tide. 

  7:04a  7:26p    drop 6-7'